Company Overview

Learned about the Law

The AH & PARTNERS LAW FIRM LTD law firm has a strong historical tradition dating back to the mid 1800’s. This tradition includes several notable jurists who have been members of our ranks while also contributing to the development of the Italian Republic. Carter Ranieri has included among its numbers Notary Giuseppe Marongiu in Oristano, Senator of the Republic Giovanni Maria Nieddu, Magistrates Bernardino Piga and Francesco Coco (click HERE to see a video from the the Italian National Television RAI), and lawyers Coco Stefano, Adriana Ruggeri, and Maria Claudia Coco.
As our tradition has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate, we are not only practicing lawyers, but also persons of action who live by the law and for the law that we practice.
A key tenant of our law firm’s philosophy is to think creatively and ambitiously while remaining practical and concise in our work. Our deep-rooted tradition allows us to deliver innovative and pragmatic legal solutions and to forge strong client relationships, founded on integrity and on an uncompromising drive to deliver the highest quality legal services. Our firm continually strives to develop lasting relationships with each of our clients, and we continue to receive their praise for unparalleled client focus.


Interesting Facts

0 Trusted clients
0 Solved Cases
0 Awards Win
0 Winning Case
Experienced Attorneys

Meet our attorneys

These leaders, alongside hundred other experienced lawyers will make sure you stand every chance of coming out victorious from your legal battle.

David Smith

Family Lawyer

Joeseph Braid

Business Lawyer

Morris Wright

Criminal Lawyer

Robert Umler

Insurance Lawyer